3 Unusual Ways and Locations to Install Solar Panels

Posted on: 8 January 2021

As more and more solar panel products are becoming available, you may find a dizzying array of options when you start shopping for solar panels. You don't just need to think about how many solar panels you can fit on your roof and what mounting system to use. You may not even need to put them on your roof. Here are some other, more unusual places and ways to install solar panels.
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How LED High Bay Lighting Can Benefit Your Shop Or Warehouse

Posted on: 18 June 2020

Lighting is critical in any shop, manufacturing facility, or warehouse where people are working. Using led high bay lights can provide the light you need while offering you some benefits at the same time. Benefits of LED Lighting LED lighting is becoming more popular than ever before, and there are some excellent reasons for that. LED lights have a much longer life expectancy than standard incandescent or fluorescent lights, so for facilities that will have the lights on twenty-four-seven, the LEDs can save a lot of money because bulb replacement is not required.
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Intrigued By Solar, But Still Unsure? Inexpensive Ways To Learn More

Posted on: 14 November 2019

While solar power for residential use is no longer a new idea, many homeowners may still be unsure about whether moving their power needs off the grid is the right decision for their homes and families. If you are a homeowner with an an interest in using solar power but feel you would need to learn more about it before converting your home, here are some small, but beneficial ways to get some hands-on experience.
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Tips For Reducing Your Home's Energy Usage

Posted on: 17 June 2019

Most homeowners are looking for more ways to decrease energy expenses. There are some of the more common ideas, such as switching to LED lightbulbs, reducing the use of hot water, or unplugging your electronics when not in use. If you want to make a great impact on your home's energy usage, there are some more long-term upgrade options you should consider, including the following: Sealing Your Air Ducts The air duct system is the primary outlet when keeping your home at a comfortable level.
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